Monday, June 16, 2014

Tour for The Key by KT Grant

Bridging the Gap Promotions Presents...

The Key
(Book #2 in the Dark Path series)
KT Grant

Erika has reinvented herself as an author of erotic romance under the pseudonym, Lily Fredericks. After her eight month sabbatical in New Orleans, she’s returning to Manhattan to promote her new book. Chris is handling her book tour and wants Erika to give him another chance. She’s forgiven Chris, but Max is always in her thoughts. Sick of waiting for Erika to come to her senses, Max takes matters into his own hands. He’ll go to New Orleans to claim her before it’s too late.
With Erika back in Manhattan, both Chris and Max try to seduce her in the hopes she’ll choose one of them. As both men battle for her heart, a woman from Max’s past reappears, bent on revenge. Chris will ruin Max anyway he can in order to make Erika his own. However Max has something up his sleeve to insure he’s the victor, but not without a price—Erika’s soul.

 Smashwords    Kobo    iTunes

Google Play (coming soon)

Tour Schedule June 16 - June 27

16th -  A Passion for Romance  character interview
17th -  Harlie's Books guest post 
18th  -  Lusty Penguin Reviews Author Interview 
Stop#2 -  All Things Bookie spotlight/exclusive mild excerpt

19th -  House of Alisa guest post
20th - Fall into Reading Reviews - spotlight
23rd - Em and M Books - guest post - Review August 16th
24th - Reviews by Crystal - character interview 
25th - Books, Books and More Books - spotlight 
26th - In Shadows - Author Interview 
27th - You Gotta Read Reviews - guest post
stop#2 - Leigh Ellwood - Guest Post 


K.T. Grant is giving away 3 ebook sets of the first two books in the Dark Path Series,  The Gate and The Key !

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